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We’ve chosen and present you the best local recipes of Tinos island. Everything is here for you to discover!


Read more +03 December 2020 By kosvam in Recipes

Pandora fish boiled with potatoes and carrots

INGREDIENTS 1 pandora of about 600-700gr 2 medium potatoes 1 medium onion 1/2 glass of white wine 1 glass of olive oil 1/2 litre of water 2 celery sprigs 2 carrots salt, pepper PREPARATION Place the chopped potatoes half-boiled in a wide saucepan and add the fish cut into two fillets. Cut the onion in
Read more +13 October 2020 By kosvam in Recipes

Red mullet marinated in lemon and dried onion served on boiled wild greens

INGREDIENTS 1 kg of large red mullets 1 onion Juice of 1 lemon 60g of olive oil Salt and pepper A few cardamom seeds Boil the greens in plenty of water. Leave them over medium heat for 6-7 minutes or as long as it takes to eat pleasantly. Strain them and pour them into bowls
Read more +09 December 2020 By kosvam in Recipes

Traditional homemade pasta (skioufichta) with salsitsi salami and katmeri cheese

500 gr. of skioufichta 1 tablespoon of butter a little olive oil 3 sun-dried tomatoes, cut into very thin slices 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 250 gr thinly sliced tinian salsitsi salami salt, freshly ground pepper PREPARATION Boil the pasta in plenty of salted water, drain, add the butter without scalding it, and mix well.