Polihronidi Marianna

Tinos is my mother’s motherland. She was born and raised there and so did her parents and her grandparents. As a result many of my relatives live permanently in the island. So, from a very young age,  i spent half the time of my holidays in Tinos and half in Crete, my father’s homeland.  

Giannis Gizis

EUTOPIA Eutopia is a personal non-native landmass manufacture that opposes the rapidly growing dystopian environment not only with socio-poilitical terms but based on the prosperity and the idealism of each one. It can not be defined by frontiers because it exists everywhere and at the same time it is …nowhere;it is the oternal homeland of

Simos Orfanos

Σίμος Ορφανός
New beginning in the island Last September finds Tinos full of changes. The new municipal authority has just taken charge with the newly elected Simos Orfanos undertaking the difficult task of being Mayor of Tinos island. Tinos-about has talked with him regarding his plans and goals for the term of office that follows.   After

Fraternity of Tinians

For Culture, For Art and For People  140 years of Life and Action that go on…..The “Fraternity of Tinians in Athens” guides us through history of Tinos Island. Historical Retrospect It was September of 1876, when four Tinian people, living in the capital, founded the “Fraternity  of Tinians in Athens in order to promote and

Pelias Life in Balance

Pelias Life in Balance: A different kind of pigeon flies over Kardiani   Pelias Life in Balance is the new holistic recreation center in Tinos. Inspired by the pigeons and dozens of pigeon houses of the area (“pelias” means pigeon in ancient Greek), it prevails over the regional road, looking like embracing the entire traditional

Trekking in Tinos

The old mule ways are revived The hidden paradise of any trekker is found in Tinos. The trekking escort, Karolos Merlin, introduces us to its secret – or not so much so – trails… Once upon a time, when cars were not around, the only way for a villager to go from one village to

Surfin T.I.N.O.S

Giant waves, adrenaline and a board are more than enough to enjoy the absolute surf experience. Tinos with the wavy and windswept Kolybithra “vows” to every wannabe and expert surfer strong battles with the waves. Tinos-about has searched and found 2 fellows addicted to surf and Kolybithra. Babis Savvakis and the surf champion Efi Vraka talk

Let’s get wet

Tinos Dive Center The underwater world, you want to experience it, you want to overcome your fear! Tinos Dive Center will help you overcome your trepidations to let you experience the magic of the deep. The island’s premier dive center offering PADI sanctioned diving experiences and courses. SCUBA and Free diving classes. Beginner through Assistant

On the rocks

Climb Exombourgo reveals the secrets of climbing at the largest boulder area in Europe, so as to conquer not just the mountain, but even yourself. The rock of Exombourgo is considered the largest boulder area in Europe Certainly, when you get on the ship for Tinos, you cannot imagine that you are going to a

Athletic Club Aineias 

Athletic Club Aineias In Tinos, after a harsh winter, the nature becomes green again. It’s the ideal season for hiking. So, a wonderful day of March (ideal month for hikers) Aineias Athletic Club organized a hiking tour to Exo Meri. The starting point was at Platia, where 40 people nearly flooded the entrance of the