Denou, Art-design-recycle

Art-design-recycle A place that works in Tinos, from July 2013 as a gallery, especially young artists selected from across the spectrum of visual arts (painting, sculpture, marble sculpture, etc.). Presents creations of modern design and jewelery unexpected or recyclable materials. Assumes renewal – transforming old furniture and objects, giving them a fresh image and/or changing

Tinos’ People

People of Tinos. Let’s meet the heart of Tinos island, it’s people..


“Divided” between Pirgos and Panormos, the touristic compound, Glafki, enjoys the unimpeded view towards Panormos bay and Planitis islet, the surrounding hills with the retaining walls, the sparse white chapels and the remains of the old windmills. Τhe area has luxurious independent studios, set next to each other, which obey to the relief of the

The paths of Tinos

If hikers can today walk on the ancient roads of Tinos and get to know the exquisite landscapes of the inland, they owe it to Carolos Merlyn, the man who thought of the registering and marking of the path network in the island. The Greek-Austrian Carolos Merlyn was born in Graz, Austria in 1968 and
Long-lasting experience and 150year tradition in constructions is the valuable load that the businessman Dimitris Louvaris of AK Development “carries”. Dimitris Louvaris’ construction company, AK Development has deep “roots”, 150year history and precious heritage which has passed from one generation to the next. When grandfather Dimitris, started to build dovecotes and bridges in the villages
Μουσείο Γελοιογραφίας
The political cartoonists Kostas and Vassilis Mitropoulos in totally humoristic mood, have created in Falatados the first cartoon museum in Greece, aiming at getting plenty of smiles! “From Ancient times to nowadays, Greek political cartoonists are not more than twenty. If two of them –as a matter of fact brothers- originate from this beautiful medieval

Marble sculptors, chisel craftsmen

If the predecessors created a “school” in the art of marble, the new generation of Tinian marble sculptors create history. Exo Meria in Tinos has been the starting point of a great artistic tradition based mainly on marble. The “activity” of the Tinian marble sculptors began in the end of the 18th century, in reconstruction

Tinos Women’s Association

In 1983, a group of restless women realized that what the island was lucking of at that period, was a female organization. The thought of a female “union” was brought soon into effect with the foundation of Tinos Women’s Association. Focusing on the woman as well as the solidarity towards each suffering person, the association
Thanks to Dr. Thanos Paraschos Fertility Specialist, Director of the Gynecology & Fertility Multiclinic, EMBIO, thousands of women have experienced motherhood. In the face of the willing Tinian IVF scientist, they found their personal small god. Tinian in origins or by choice? By choice. What makes Tinos a fascinating place? The air, literally and metaphorically

Museum of Marble Crafts

Museum of Marble Crafts of Tinos: An institution that enhances culture The Museum of Marble Crafts in Pyrgos, Tinos balances between the technological and historical framework, with the island always being the principal point of reference. Deductions in space and time connect local tradition to the overall Greek world, expressing the timelessness of techniques, from