Thanks to Dr. Thanos Paraschos Fertility Specialist, Director of the Gynecology & Fertility Multiclinic, EMBIO, thousands of women have experienced motherhood. In the face of the willing Tinian IVF scientist, they found their personal small god.
Tinian in origins or by choice?
By choice.
What makes Tinos a fascinating place?
The air, literally and metaphorically speaking. It is a kind of air that clears the atmosphere, the mind and soul.
Why you have chosen to get your personal shelter here and not to another Cycladic island?
Tinos is a magnificent island. An island of 52 villages and wonderful changes of landscape. Also, here you will find good, friendly people. This is very important.
A strong memory from Tinos?
The building of the house was a lifetime experience. I am glad that I had this experience in Tinos.
How do you feel knowing that many famous friends of yours come to Tinos, firstly to see you and secondly to see the island?
My friends are well aware of the fact that in Athens I am with patients during the whole day. For me, Tinos is a way to have some rest, so in this framework, I find the time to see also some friends. In order to be efficient in your work, you must allow yourself to have a break, to get some rest, both physically and mentally. However, Tinos has always been an important lure. I mean that it is different to say to someone “come with me in Tinos for the weekend” than saying “Let’s have a coffee in Omonoia”. Also, I would like to let you know that except for my famous friends and clients, I have the pleasure to host in my house in Tinos, friend who are not nationally known.
In your opinion, what this place lacks of the most at this moment?
I cannot decide if it should be given emphasis on the port, the biological cleaning or the water. Tinos needs special attention on those three issues.
Up to this moment, in which way you have helped Tinos?
In social, religious and financial level but I would not like to get into details.
What you would like to do for the island in the future?
If I manage to live permanently in Tinos, I will have the opportunity to contribute more essentially, like every person who cares for this island.
What do you think of the local health services?
They are good but with the right organization and support by the State, they could be improved even more.
You could live permanently in Tinos and work as a doctor here?
If I decided that I had clients only from abroad, it could be possible. They would come directly and at the same time they would have both treatment and a wonderful touristic destination for their vacations. But for the people of Greece the transport wouldn’t be so easy and frequent as happens, unfortunately, also with other islands.
The most important success in your career?
Helping bringing babies into life is a success. Fortunately, this very important success is repeated and I experience it on a daily basis.
You have helped thousands of couples to have a child through in-vitro fertilization, having their dream come true. The procedure was easy or difficult?
Indeed, I have helped thousands of children come to life through the method of IVF but every occasion is different and requires special handling. Scientific knowledge is there, given that you stay up-to-date regarding the new methods and technologies of assisted reproduction but nothing is easy or taken for granted. Every time you have to give a kind of battle. Even the fact that us who deal with assisted reproduction do not rest on our laurels and always try finding new curing methods that are easier for the patient, it’s a proof of our “non-ease” to the benefit of the infertile couples’ ease. For example, lately we have on our disposal in-vitro injections that shall be made only once a week while before, the woman was obligated to have injection made every day. At her place and by herself but still, every day. Now, she can have it made again at her place but once a week. I refer mostly to the women because in male infertility, treatments are simpler.
The cost of in-vitro fertilization is considered off limits. Myth or reality?
I shall rephrase the question in order for you to comprehend the essence of this matter: “the infertile patients are interested first in the cost of IVF and then for all the rest”. This is definitely a myth. When a couple decides consciously to bring one or more children in life, the priorities are different. More specifically, the woman is interested in whether the IVF treatments are safe or there is danger for her health. At this point, she will find out that none of the researches shows suspicions for cancer regarding the IVF procedure. Another matter they are principally interested in is the chances of success of the in-vitro or the insemination. Even today when things are difficult for all of us, the priorities remain the same. This doesn’t mean that they are not interested in the cost of fertility treatment. Of course, every couple when decides to address to a fertility expert who has the experience and knowledge to reassure not only the safety of the patients but also the maximum chances for pregnancy, it will choose the one who can provide all these at the most reasonable price. As far as I am concerned, in EMBIO, I have lower a lot the prices in all treatments. Moreover, from time to time, there are special offers in order to facilitate in every way we can the couple that wants to have a child. We try to keep a balance between quality services and the best result in reasonable prices, so as the couple will not face any problems.
Which is the success rate of an IVF today?
In EMBIO, after years of research and application of advanced fertility treatments, we have managed to reach a rate of up to 70% in clinical pregnancy to certain groups of infertile patients. The IVF success rates differ depending on the age of the woman and the specific type of treatment.
What kind of advice you would give to couples who face conception problems before they address to you?
I will say something that is neither modern nor scientific but you should judge if it is valuable or not. In-vitro fertilization doctors are scientists, not gods. Fertility as well as the relevant medical knowledge are given from above. Scientifically, it has been proved that stress does not help in the conception of a child. Also, we know that up to 35 years old, a woman should leave a period of frequent intercourses to pass without any precaution methods. After 35 years old, the couple will have to address to a fertility expert so as to know the reason of the infertility.