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Jazz on Tinos 2015 – 28, 29 & 30.08
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Launched in 2009 by the Cultural Foundation of Tinos, the Jazz on Tinos festival will take place for the 7th consecutive year on 28th, 29th and 30th August 2015, thanks to the determined efforts of the Foundation, musicians, volunteers, sponsors, jazz friends and friends of Tinos and the festival’s artistic director and his associates. The
Μarla-Mamado – Cultural Association
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Back to the roots “TINOS” was written with big letters at the fence of the marble process studio which my father owned in Athens! That was all I knew of our island! I remember that this was the place where he used to meet his fellow Tinian marble craftsmen and his brothers. Through their craft
Tinos Women’s Association
Saturday, 08 June 2013
In 1983, a group of restless women realized that what the island was lucking of at that period, was a female organization. The thought of a female “union” was brought soon into effect with the foundation of Tinos Women’s Association. Focusing on the woman as well as the solidarity towards each suffering person, the association