Do you wonder what happens when the Cycladic aura and the sea are mixed with the glow of the Mediterranean and the knights of Malta? The result is a beautiful alloy full of light, like the one from which the artist and architect, Katerina Roussounelou, is made.
TINOS about. Katerina, tell us a few things about the years you lived in Syros, which is also your place of origin.
Warmth, sea and play are the first words that come to my mind. My childhood in Syros is something I wouldn’t change. The freedom and the advantages that a smaller place offers are, I would say, the ideal childhood that all children deserve. Combined with the wonderful local architecture and the Cycladic light are things that as an adult I have consciously reassessed and realized the effect on me in all areas.
Τab. You studied in Athens, but you also worked there for a few years. What differences did life in the city have for you that you were born and raised on an island, compared to everyday life in a Cycladic island?
Some main differences are the rhythms of everyday life – in the city you don’t even have the alternative of being even a little slower – the immediacy of access to the sea and generally to the nature offered in Cyclades generously, the variety of cultural activities in the city that one has the ability to enjoy.
Τab.. During your stay in the capital there were jobs/projects that you did that stood out for you. Tell us a little bit about them.
I have dealt with all scales, from the large scale to urban design in competitions or in voluntary projects (formation of school courtyards) to a smaller scale, furniture and utilitarian objects in competitions again, in some with distinctions.
The residence occupies most of my involvement in architecture.
Before my move from Athens to Tinos in the winter of 2014 I had the pleasure and honor to take over the architectural design of a Catholic Church in Pallini for 300 people in collaboration with Michalis Stefanou and other excellent collaborators, a project that is under way.
Τab. How crucial was your return to the Cyclades and especially to the island of Tinos?
Tinos is a focal point both in my architectural course and in my life in general since I experienced it and I experience it as a return to my neighborhood since I consider the Cyclades as a large neighborhood with a lot of beauties, hard and exceptional landscape, with special light for which quite a few things have been written and of course the sea, irreplaceable presence, the reunification with which I had begun to seek very strongly in recent years in Athens.
Τab. Describe Tinos with three adjectives and explain why.
Wildly beautiful, special, inspiring. You will allow me to stay in the statement of the emotion by omitting their rational justification.
Τab. All the years in our island we find you at the side of the remarkable Giorgos Vidalis. How lucky have you been with this partnership and what experiences have you gained over the years?
Good collaborations are a matter of work and luck at the same time. So, luck initially favoured a meeting which, after years of work, developed into a very good partnership. Over the years, with the office of Giorgos Vidalis, based on our love for the place, the architecture and fine aesthetics, we have formed a minimalist modern style of architecture with respect to the landscape of Tinos.
Τab. Could you tell to the visitor of Tinos who is currently reading our interview, why would it be a top choice to stay in Tinos from your point of view?
It is an ideal place to approach one’s inner core, to be inspired, to create what pleases him. It’s an ideal choice for anyone who consciously chooses a more human rhythm of life in a beautiful place. For anyone who prefers to have a base in the outer “quiet” of a Cycladic island and chooses to be in the “noise” of the city when he wants to.
Τab. Apart from architecture, what else are you dealing with these days? Is painting an important part of your life?
In addition to architecture, I have always been involved in some other form of art. Photography, jewellery with polymer clay and pulp, engraving (ITYP Tinos) etc. Painting always exists in my life some times more strongly than others, and there are times when architecture takes most of my time.
Τab. Do you want to share with us some of your future plans? What else should we expect to see?
Since last year, I have started to group some works and I would love to paint on a large scale on walls in houses but also on a smaller scale, as well as to create my own fabrics.
People’s love for my paintings is something that motivates me to continue undeterred doing what I really love.
Τab. In conclusion give us in a phrase, what does architecture mean to you?
Architecture means creation to me