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TINOS MEDICAL is a contemporary medical diagnostic center housed in facilities of the highest standards. It was established with the aim of providing top quality health services in Tinos.
Having extensive experience in the field of medicine and specifically after the establishment and successful course of MYKONOS MEDICAL, our next step was to establish a high-quality diagnostic center with state-of-the-art medical equipment on the neighboring island of Tinos. TINOS MEDICAL specializes in laboratory medicine, Full X-RAYS and Medical Laboratory departments. The diagnostic center is fully equipped and staffed to meet the needs of diagnosis and treatment of any case, either emergency or routine, ensuring high level health services.
TINOS MEDICAL is certified with ISO 9001/2015 Quality Management System.
Its reliability is based on the scientific training, the high-end equipment and most importantly the long years of experience of the Biopathologist doctor and the biomedical scientists who compose that department. It is equipped with the biochemical analyzer BT Targa 1500 of Menarini, the hematological analyzer SYSMEX XN360, the hormonal analyzer Cobas 411 of Roche, the Creddo Covid PCR molecular analyzer, the heart attack and acute thrombosis analyzer Wondo Finecare and many more.
TINOS MEDICAL operates a CT department, equipped with SIEMENS SOMATOM GO NOW CT scanner of multiple detection (multi slice, 32 slices), that provides services 24/7. We perform tests on the whole body quickly and with high diagnostic accuracy.
The digital mammogram HELIANTHUS of METALTRONICA, available in TINOS MEDICAL is a 2-D, low dosage, digital mammogram that is a complete system for every breast anatomy and women of all ages for a safe and comfortable examination.
The qualified personnel and specialized equipment meet all the conditions for carrying out examinations of high precision and diagnostic value. In TINOS MEDICAL radiology department, a PHILIPS digital X-rays is installed, performing all the X-rays.
The digital technology system, provides high resolution images that increase the examination’s diagnostic value.
The digital Orthopantograph at TINOS MEDICAL offers high-resolution Dental Panoramics and Chephalometric images.
With an extremely low radiation dose and one-shot technology operation, in no time this state-of-the-art technological equipment combined with the presence of a highly trained technologist during the examination reduces errors from patient movement and minimizes repeatability.

At TINOS MEDICAL the latest technology ultrasound scanner VERSANA of GENERAL ELECTRIC is installed.
The ultrasound is an easy, fast and safe imaging method without side-effects, while in recent years, with the evolution of technology, the quality and the capabilities of imaging have reached an extremely high level


